Rhode Islanders to receive postcard reminders to register to vote

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By Steve Klamkin WPRO News

If you’re eligible to vote in Rhode Island, you can expect to receive a postcard from Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea, reminding you to register to vote.

August 14th is the deadline to register for the September 13 primary, and to vote in the November general election, voters must be registered by October 9.

Postcards will be going out to 196,000 eligible voters, at a cost of more than $33,400. About $14,388 will be covered by the nonprofit, non-partisan Pew Charitable Trusts.

“Our online voter registration makes it easy for eligible voters to take an active part in our democracy this election season,” said Gorbea in a statement.

Gorbea said that her office has identified about 1,500 deceased people who will be removed from the voter rolls, due to Rhode Island’s membership in a non-profit Electronic Registration Information Center, which encourages states to send the reminder postcards to eligible voters.


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