Governor sinks new sailboat license plate design

new license plate


Governor Gina Raimondo says the DMV’s sailboat license plate is sunk.

Last fall, the Department of Motor Vehicles unveiled a new design featuring a solid “Newport blue” background with a gold silhouette of the 1903 America’s Cup winner Reliance. At the time, the DMV said they would begin replacing the 17-year-old “wave” license plates this month.

However, it seems the governor has put the kibosh on the plate, instead opting to make a new design to conform to the state’s revamped tourism strategy.

“We’re going to have a statewide brand, a statewide campaign, and if we’re finally going to do this right and get the biggest bang for our buck we want the license plates to fit in with that,” said Raimondo.

There is no word on when a new license plate will be unveiled; Raimondo said the rollout of new plates would be put on hold for the next “few months.”

The “Newport Blue” plate was designed during Governor Lincoln Chafee’s previous administration.

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